Ingredients with Integrity

Nutritional Info

Redbloom is formulated using 16 clinically-backed whole ingredients that are functional and designed to boost gut health


Trigger foods like Garlic and Griselle Shallots are infused into our oils, extracting the flavors and nutrients while leaving behind the fructran responsible for flare-ups

Avocado Oil

Geographical Area

Native to Central and South America

Mild, Creamy, Nutty

Health Benefits
Rich in oleic acid, a natural fat that prevents the auto-immune response triggered by spicy compounds, alleviating the sensation of gut-inflammation [6]


Geographical Area

Native to South America

Spicy, Pungent, Slightly Sweet

Health Benefits
Rich in Capsaicin, which is essential in producing butyrate, a compound vital for energy metabolism control and maintaining a balanced gut microbiota [7]



Extracted from coconut oil


Health Benefits
MCT oil supports gut health by aiding in absorption and providing quick energy to the cells lining the gastrointestinal tract, promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria [4]


Geographical Area

Native to Korea

Spicy, Sweet, Smoky

Health Benefits
Rich in capsaicin, fostering the growth Roseburia, a beneficial gut bacteria that repairs the composition of the gut microbiota [5]

Zinc Salt


Zinc Gluconate (Organic Mineral)

Salty, Bitter, Metallic

Health Benefits
Salt without sodium. Essential for immune function, repairs intestinal cells, and plays a role in carbohydrate digestion to prevent bloating [9]

Black Cardamom

Geographical Area

Native to Nepal

Minty, Spicy, Herbal

Health Benefits
Contains bioactive compounds that stimulate intestinal juices, improving digestion and reducing bloating. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties can alleviate discomfort associated ulcers and heartburn [8]


Geographical Area

Native to Southeast Asia

Woody, Peppery, Warming

Health Benefits
Known to alleviate nausea, improve digestion, and possesses anti-inflammatory properties due to its main bioactive compound gingerol [10]

Sichuan Chili Flakes

Geographical Area

Native to China

Hot, Spicy, Smoky

Health Benefits
Rich in capsaicin, fostering the growth of faecalibacteria, a healthy gut bacteria that regulate the gut microbiota [11]

Sichuan Peppercorn

Geographical Area

Native to China

Spicy, Lemon-Like, Slightly Numbing

Health Benefits
Contain active compounds like terpenes and flavonoids that stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, facilitating efficient digestion and reduced inflammation [13]

Griselle Shallot

Geographical Area

Native to France

Sweet, Mild, Slightly Sharp

Health Benefits
Contains a compound called quercetin, a prebiotic that neutralizes harmful free radicals in the gut to prevent inflammation [14]

Cinnamon Bark

Geographical Area

Native to Vietnam

Spicy, Sweet, Woody

Health Benefits
Contains cinnamaldehyde, a compound that stimulates the release of digestive enzymes. Also high in antioxidants like polyphenols to reduce inflammation and improve gut health [15]

Himalayan Pink Salt

Geographical Area

Native to Pakistan (Punjab Region)

Salty, Mineral-rich

Health Benefits
Balances body's pH to improve nutrient absorption and prevent gas accumulation, reducing bloating [18]

Star Anise

Geographical Area

Native to China and Vietnam

Licorice-Like, Sweet, Slightly Bitter

Health Benefits
Contains anethole, a compound stimulating the production of digestive enzymes. High antioxidant content, from linalool and quercetin, prevent oxidative damage to the digestive tract [17]

Sesame Seeds

Geographical Area

Native to Africa

Nutty, Slightly Sweet, Crunchy

Health Benefits
Contains magnesium and calcium, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Rich in fiber to aid digestion [20]


Geographical Area

Native to Central Asia

Pungent, Earthy, Spicy

Health Benefits
Garlic is rich in prebiotic fiber, which helps promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Its antimicrobial properties also aid in balancing the gut microbiome [24]

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